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Make Personal Connections Through Video Marketing

Any business owner, salesperson, or marketer will tell you that the best way to sell your product or service is to connect with your customers. Building strong customer relationships founded on person...

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The 3 Best 2024 Summer Marketing Campaigns So Far

These Summer Marketing Campaigns Are Heating Up As summer 2024 heats up, so does the competition among brands to capture the attention and loyalty of consumers. This year, three summer marketing campa...

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6 Principles of Making a Great Website

Sitting down to create a website from scratch can seem like a daunting task. Even an experienced web developer may need a refresher when it comes to building and designing a new website. At 898 Market...

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“Navigating the Future of SEO and Content Marketing in 2024” – A Webinar Hosted by Conductor Overview

In the world of digital marketing, it is important to make sure that you are constantly educating yourself on what is new. In our industry, trends phase in and out before you even get a chance to capi...

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The Power of Connected TV (CTV) Advertising

Connected TV (CTV) has gained much traction nationally in the digital marketing landscape, allowing advertisers to reach their audience with video content on Smart TVs and Over-the-Top Television (OTT...

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Is Social Media Marketing Helpful?

The difference between social media for engagement and social media for sales While setting up a social media account and posting once a week sounds simple enough, social media marketing can actually ...

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A Day in the Life as an 898 Marketing Intern

Driving to the first day of my marketing internship at 898 Marketing was both exciting and nerve wracking. I was eager to enter into a new opportunity and get to know the ins and outs of what goes on ...

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Writing Press Releases 101

As Media & Communications Manager, one of the biggest responsibilities of my job is writing press releases for not only our clients but also for 898 Marketing. From opening our new office to hirin...

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What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Decoding CRO: Conversion Rate Optimization We love acronyms in digital marketing, especially CRO. But, what exactly is CRO, or, Conversion Rate Optimization? Simply put, a conversion is the completion...

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What to Expect When Marketing to Gen Alpha

Let’s talk about Marketing to Gen Alpha… It seems as if we just started to get our footing when it comes to engaging with Gen Z. Now, it’s time to begin tackling the understanding of a b...

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